Several months back, I was given the book The Bridge: A Seven Stage Map to Redefine Your Life and Purpose.
I thumbed through it and thought, “Hmmm, very interesting, I’ll have to
read this . . . someday.” Well, while going through some personal
challenges recently, I thought I should sit down with The Bridge.
I have to tell you, I could not put it down—I now know I will be
referring back to it, time and time again. I should have read this book
long ago.
In The Bridge, Dr. Marilyn Powers
and Steve Viglione clearly and “non-clinically” explain a path of self
examination, decision making, emerging renewal, with eventual/ongoing
personal radiance. Not an instant cure-all for everything that ails
your soul, the reader soon understands the work necessary to travel the
road to a better life. The work may not always sit pleasantly on one’s
mind or heart, but this book addresses the strategic issues and
perceptions that must be dealt with and reconciled if you wish to
develop a true and joyful life.
One quick example of how The Bridge has
already impacted my life? Almost immediately after finishing reading it,
I sat down and clearly wrote a “Vision” of how I see my life going
forward. I affirmed the environment in which I wanted to live my life,
and under what terms and conditions. Spelled out very vividly, I shared
it with the world. I am already seeing this purposeful initiative
unfolding in my life. Pretty cool, huh?
Learn more and purchase The Bridge at